I’ve been trying to break apart a simple pathfinder I built earlier into a few smaller classes in separate script files from one big file. However, I keep running into this null reference exception and can’t figure out what’s causing it for the life of me.
I have a Node class which stores basic information about position and whether the node can be traveled:
public class Node
public Vector3 ID;
public int cost = 0, heuristic = 0, total = 0;
public bool walkable;
public Node (Vector3 ID, bool walkable)
this.ID = ID;
this.walkable = walkable;
public void SetWalkable (bool walkable) {
this.walkable = walkable;
And a NodeGrid class which has a simple constructor to build a 2D array of Nodes and some methods for returning a specific node.
public class NodeGrid
private Node[,] grid;
public NodeGrid (int width, int height) {
bool walkable = true;
Vector3 ID;
Node[,] grid = new Node[width, height];
for (int i=0; i < width; i++)
for (int j=0; j < height; j++)
ID.x = i;
ID.y = 0;
ID.z = j;
grid[i,j] = new Node(ID, walkable);
Debug.Log(width.ToString() + ", " + height.ToString() + " grid created.");
public Node GetNode (Vector3 ID) {
return grid[(int)ID.x, (int)ID.z];
public Node GetNode (int i, int j) {
return grid[i,j];
And I have a small script attached to an empty gameobject for testing this grid of nodes. It creates a new 10x10 NodeGrid and then tries to get the node at 5,5 and instead I get a null reference exception when trying to use the GetNode method.
public class NodeGridTester : MonoBehaviour {
private NodeGrid nodeGrid;
private int width = 10, height = 10;
void OnGUI ()
if(GUI.Button( new Rect( 10, 10, 100, 30 ), "Create Grid")) {
nodeGrid = new NodeGrid(width, height);
if(GUI.Button( new Rect( 10, 45, 100, 30 ), "Display Grid" )) {
Node node = nodeGrid.GetNode(5,5);
There are no errors on compile. The runtime error message:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
NodeGrid.GetNode (Int32 i, Int32 j) (at Assets/_TBS Assets/Scripts/NodeGrid.cs:33)
The line reference is
return grid[i,j];
from the GetNode method.
The grid appears to build just fine when using the Create Grid button, the debug text I have inserted at the end of the grid building loops shows exactly what it should.
10, 10 grid created.
NodeGrid:.ctor(Int32, Int32) (at Assets/_TBS Assets/Scripts/NodeGrid.cs:25)
NodeGridTester:OnGUI() (at Assets/_TBS Assets/Scripts/NodeGridTester.cs:12)
And the second debug line displays 5, reading the x of the Vector3 ID of the Node instance exactly as expected.
NodeGrid:.ctor(Int32, Int32) (at Assets/_TBS Assets/Scripts/NodeGrid.cs:26)
NodeGridTester:OnGUI() (at Assets/_TBS Assets/Scripts/NodeGridTester.cs:12)
However, pressing the Display Grid button results in the null reference.
Clearly I’m doing something wrong when it comes to creating or handling or reading from classes in C# or Unity (or maybe in general?). I looked up a bunch of topics on null reference exceptions but it’s such a broad error that nothing I found was relevant or had any effect. Any help would be greatly appreciated.