I have a custom render script, calling the render method. The first run after a compile it works perfect. After i restart in playmode, i got the following Nullpointer Exception. I have no statics in my own classes, so i guess its somehow something in the Render Pipeline itself? It worked fine with Unity 2021 where i updated from.
I’m also having this problem with Unity 2022.2.15.
My workaround is to set Volume Update Mode as Every Frame instead of Via Scripting on the URP Render Settings asset.
Could you confirm if this workaround work for you too?
Managed to reproduce this on a clean project and just filled up a bug report
With Unity Unity 2022.2.13 (or latter)
Start an URP Project (14.0.7)
Enable Editor [Enter Play Mode Options]
Set URP Render Settings Volume Update Mode to [Via Scripting]
But it got closed…
Really, no wonder why things doesn’t get fixed. This issue is 100% reproduceable with really simple steps and still got closed…
Guess what, there’s a project attached AND step-by-step instructions…
Also happening in 2021.3.27. I upgraded from 2020.3.48 and had that setting set to “via scripting” in the urp settings asset. Had a mini heart-attack when loading any new scene resulted in that error. Created a new Render Pipeline asset and everything worked just fine. But I’ve noticed that the “Advance” section in the pipeline asset that appeared in 2020 (with settings such as SRP Batcher, Dynamic Batching, Volume Update Mode, etc) is gone in 2021