NullReferenceException Error

Hello! I am creating a ping-pong game to help further my limited knowledge of game programming. I got player movement, launching a ball, and reactions to the ball colliding with a player accomplished. However, I’ve run into a problem with the “Enemy” AI.

What I’m trying to do is base the enemy’s movement on the ball’s x position compared with its own x position (this game is played on the x and z axes). When I try to make a variable to store the ball’s position I encounter this error: “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” Here’s my code where I encounter the problem:

private Vector3 ballPosition; 	
private Rigidbody ball;
public float moveSpeed = 1.0f;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
	ball = Launcher.trackBall;
	ballPosition = Launcher.trackBall.position; // Error Here

For further explanation of the code, I am making my ball variable equal to my static rigidbody, which is located in the Launcher script. I originally tried to make ballPosition equal to ball.position, but it brought up the same error. Why am I getting this error?

[Edit by Berenger, code formatting]

You shouldn’t use static vars in that situation. I suppose there is only one instance of launcher, so you should find it and access a non-static and properly referenced var trackBall. In other word :

public class Launcher : MonoBehaviour 
    // ...
    public Rigidbody trackBall;
    private void Awake()
        trackBall = ??? // Up to you

And Wall :

public class Wall : MonoBehaviour 
    // ...
    void Start () 
        Launcher launcher = GameObject.FindObjectOfType( typeof(Launcher) ) as Launcher;
        if( launcher == null ) Debug.LogError( "Launcher not found" );
            ball = launcher.trackBall;
            ballPosition = ball.transform.position

Now, keep in mind that ballPosition won’t be updated if you leave it at that, but it will keep the original value. You should ball.position whenever you want the actual position.

@hijinxbassist : Yes it does.