Hello! I am creating a ping-pong game to help further my limited knowledge of game programming. I got player movement, launching a ball, and reactions to the ball colliding with a player accomplished. However, I’ve run into a problem with the “Enemy” AI.
What I’m trying to do is base the enemy’s movement on the ball’s x position compared with its own x position (this game is played on the x and z axes). When I try to make a variable to store the ball’s position I encounter this error: “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” Here’s my code where I encounter the problem:
private Vector3 ballPosition;
private Rigidbody ball;
public float moveSpeed = 1.0f;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
ball = Launcher.trackBall;
ballPosition = Launcher.trackBall.position; // Error Here
For further explanation of the code, I am making my ball variable equal to my static rigidbody, which is located in the Launcher script. I originally tried to make ballPosition equal to ball.position, but it brought up the same error. Why am I getting this error?
[Edit by Berenger, code formatting]