WARNING: This post is very long. My problem is somewhat complicated and may require more time than i would hope… I apologize for that. However, I thank anyone who is willing to help! It is very much appreciated. Thank You! Anyways, please read this post in its entirety.
I’m coming across a NullReferenceException at the very beginning of game start.
I’m also coming across a NullReferenceException that occurs every time FixedUpdate is called.
On Start Exception stack:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
UAve.UAveLogger.ShowExceptionDiaglog (System.Exception exception, System.String message, UAve.MessageCallbackDelegate callback) (at Assets/UA/UAveLogger.cs:36)
UAve.GameControl.Start () (at Assets/UA/Game/GameControl.cs:87)
On Fixed Update Exception Stack:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
UAve.UAveLogger.ShowExceptionDiaglog (System.Exception exception, System.String message, UAve.MessageCallbackDelegate callback) (at Assets/UA/UAveLogger.cs:36)
UAve.Player.PlayerControl.FixedUpdate () (at Assets/UA/Game/PlayerControl.cs:317)
Ironically, this exception occurs only during other exceptions. The reason for this is because the method UAveLogger.ShowExceptionDialog(exception, message, callback)
(shown below) is called every time there is an exception caught in a Try/Catch statement. That method is what is causing these NullReferenceExceptions.
ShowExceptionDialog Method:
public static void ShowExceptionDiaglog(Exception exception, string message, MessageCallbackDelegate callback)
if (exception == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("exception");
if (message == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("message");
if (callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("callback");
shownMessageBoxes.Add(new UAveMessageBox("Uh oh! An exception occured...", exception.TargetSite.Name + ".
\r" + message, UAveMessageBox.DialogButtons.Okay, new Vector2(-1, -1), callback));
Notice that i go through and check to see if each parameter passed into the method is null, and if it is, i throw an ArgumentNullException. (This SHOULD make it so that the NullReferenceException doesnt occur and an ArgumentNullException instead, but it doesn’t).
Here is the entire UAveLogger component (yes it is attached to a game object in the scene):
public class UAveLogger : MonoBehaviour
private static List<UAveMessageBox> shownMessageBoxes = null;
public enum DialogResult
public static void ShowExceptionDialog(Exception exception, string message, MessageCallbackDelegate callback)
if (exception == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("exception");
if (exception.TargetSite.Name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("exception.TargetSite.Name");
if (message == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("message");
if (callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("callback");
shownMessageBoxes.Add(new UAveMessageBox("Uh oh! An exception occured...", exception.TargetSite.Name + ".
\r" + message, UAveMessageBox.DialogButtons.Okay, new Vector2(-1, -1), callback));
public void Start() { }
public void OnGUI()
if (shownMessageBoxes != null) //If the shownMessageBoxes list is null: do nothing. Otherwise: procede.
foreach (UAveMessageBox uamb in shownMessageBoxes) //Iterate through every UAveMessageBox in the shownMessageBoxes list
if (uamb.MessagePosition == new Vector2(-1, -1)) //Ignore this, it doesn't effect anything at the moment.
//Center message box on screen using Screen.width and Screen.height
GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2, 300, 200)); //Begin messagebox area
GUILayout.BeginVertical(); //Begin primary text area
GUILayout.TextArea(uamb.DialogCaption); //The top of the message box will contain the dialog's caption.
GUILayout.TextArea(uamb.DialogText); //The center of the message box will contain the dialog's text.
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //Begin button area
switch (uamb.DialogButton) //Switch between each possibility for uamb's dialog button field.
case UAveMessageBox.DialogButtons.Okay: //Show the "Okay" button if the case is DialogButtons.Okay
if (GUILayout.Button("Okay"))
shownMessageBoxes.Remove(uamb); //Remove the messagebox from the shownMessageBox List so that it doesn't get iterated and shown anymore.
uamb.messageCallback(DialogResult.Okay); //Call the callback delegate provided by the UAveMessageBox
case UAveMessageBox.DialogButtons.OkayCancel:
if (GUILayout.Button("Okay"))
if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel"))
case UAveMessageBox.DialogButtons.YesNo:
if (GUILayout.Button("Yes"))
if (GUILayout.Button("No"))
case UAveMessageBox.DialogButtons.YesNoCancel:
if (GUILayout.Button("Yes"))
if (GUILayout.Button("No"))
if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel"))
GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //End button area
GUILayout.EndVertical(); //End primary text area
GUILayout.EndArea(); //End messagebox area
Here is the MessageCallbackDelegate delegate that is used for method callback:
public delegate void MessageCallbackDelegate(UAveLogger.DialogResult dr);
Here is the UAveMessageBox class that represents a GUI MessageBox:
public class UAveMessageBox
public enum DialogButtons
public string DialogCaption;
public string DialogText;
public DialogButtons DialogButton;
public Vector2 MessagePosition;
public MessageCallbackDelegate messageCallback;
public UAveMessageBox(string caption, string text, DialogButtons dbuttons, Vector2 pos, MessageCallbackDelegate mcd)
this.DialogButton = dbuttons;
this.DialogCaption = caption;
this.DialogText = text;
this.MessagePosition = pos;
this.messageCallback = mcd;
Here is the method that is invoking ShowExceptionDialog at the very start (Found in GameControl.cs):
void Start()
//Some (Confidential) code that causes an Exception.
catch (Exception e)
UAveLogger.ShowExceptionDialog(e, e.StackTrace + "_;_
\r" + e.Message, clErrorCallbackException);
Here is the FixedUpdate event that is invoking ShowExceptionDialog (Found in PlayerControl.cs):
public void FixedUpdate()
//Some (Confidential) code that causes an Exception.
catch (Exception e)
UAveLogger.ShowExceptionDialog(e, e.StackTrace + "_;_
\r" + e.Message, clErrorCallbackException);
I think that is all the information needed to understand my problem in its entirety.
Please Note that all of the clErrorCallbackException methods that are called don’t do anything, they are empty methods.
Thank you for even putting in the effort to read all of this, I know that it’s daunting.
If you believe that you have a solution to my problem, PLEASE REPLY!!! Even if you’re not sure if it’s a perfect solution, any help that can set me on the right track is appreciated!