NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. How can I fix it?

I’m getting this error on my Player.cs script and my game input script that is accessing my Player script How can I fix it?


public class Player : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private float moveSpeed = 7f;
    [SerializeField] private  float rotateSpeed = 10f;

    [SerializeField] private GameInput gameInput;

    private bool isWalking;

    private void Update(){

        Vector2 inputVector =  gameInput.GetMovementVectorNormalized();

        Vector3 moveDir = new Vector3(inputVector.x, 0f, inputVector.y);
        transform.position += moveDir * moveSpeed *  Time.deltaTime;


        isWalking = moveDir !=;
        transform.forward = Vector3.Slerp(transform.forward, moveDir, Time.deltaTime * rotateSpeed);


    public bool IsWalking(){
        return isWalking;



public class GameInput : MonoBehaviour {
    private PlayerInputActions playerInputActions;

    private void Awake()
        PlayerInputActions playerInputActions = new PlayerInputActions();

    public Vector2 GetMovementVectorNormalized()
        Vector2 inputVector = playerInputActions.Player.Move.ReadValue<Vector2>();

        inputVector = inputVector.normalized;
        return inputVector;

I have figured out where I went wrong. Instead of having PlayerInputActions playerInputActions = new PlayerInputActions(); it should of been playerInputActions = new PlayerInputActions();