So I have seen this error many times before, and have easily been able to fix it… until now. I don’t see anything wrong! Is it obvious and I am just overlooking something?
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class PlayerShoot : NetworkBehaviour {
private const string PLAYER_TAG = "Player";
private const string POLE_TAG = "HillObject";
public static int damage;
public static float range;
public GameObject KOTHPole;
public KothPoleHealth kothHealth;
private Camera cam;
private LayerMask mask;
void Start()
range = 10000f;
if (cam == null)
Debug.LogError ("PlayerShoot: No camera referenced!");
this.enabled = false;
void Update()
if (Input.GetButtonDown ("left click"))
Shoot ();
void Shoot()
RaycastHit _hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(cam.transform.position, cam.transform.forward, out _hit, range, mask))
if (_hit.collider.tag == PLAYER_TAG)
CmdServerCallRpc (, damage);
if (Physics.Raycast(cam.transform.position, cam.transform.forward, out _hit, range, mask))
if (_hit.collider.tag == POLE_TAG)
CmdServerCallRpcPoleDamage (_hit.collider.gameObject, damage);
void CmdServerCallRpc (string _playerID, int _damage)
RpcServerPlayerShot (_playerID,_damage);
void CmdServerCallRpcPoleDamage (GameObject _pole, int _damage)
RpcServerPoleShot (_pole, _damage);
print (;
void RpcServerPlayerShot (string _playerID, int _damage)
Debug.Log (_playerID + " has been shot.");
Player _player = GameManager.GetPlayer (_playerID);
_player.RpcTakeDamage (_damage);
void RpcServerPoleShot (GameObject _pole, int _damage)
kothHealth = _pole.GetComponent<KothPoleHealth> ();
kothHealth.RpcTakePoleHealth (_damage);
// void PlayerShot (string _playerID, int _damage)
// {
// Debug.Log (_playerID + " has been shot.");
// Player _player = GameManager.GetPlayer (_playerID);
// _player.RpcTakeDamage(_damage);
// }
Error on Line 93