I’m getting that error sometimes (not all the time…?) when I receive UDP data from another software.
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
OscQballsVr.Update () (at Assets/Scripts/OscQballsVr.cs:687)
The line getting the error is (here 244):
positionTra = (varVector3Pad)quePositionTrajectoire.Dequeue();
I’m not able to find the error by myself after searched many forums… Could somebody have a look at my code?
This is the script (I tried to remove usefulness code):
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ParticlePlayground;
using UnityEngine.VR;
public class OscQballsVr : MonoBehaviour {
public string RemoteIP = ""; // signifies a local host (if testing locally
public int SendToPort = 9000; //the port you will be sending from
public int SendToPortLive = 9000; //the port you will be sending from
public int ListenerPort = 8000; //the port you will be listening on
private Osc handler;
private OSCSender hud;
public Rigidbody Cubes;
public animPastille[] pastillesScript;
public GameObject[] pastilles;
private imagesSequence scriptSequence;
public Transform pastille;
public int nbrPastilles;
public float[,] positions;
public float[,] rotations;
public float[,] couleurs;
public int[] editionPad;
public int[,] pitchPad;
public int[] activationPad;
public float[] bounce;
public float[] spring;
public float tempsTransitionPastilles;
public Color CouleurQballsIntro;
public Color CouleurQballs;
public int Qballs;
private int Qballsprev;
public int incrementFixedUpdate = 0;
public GameObject[] lumieres;
public GameObject CAM;
struct varEnvoiBalle
internal float posX;
internal float posY;
internal float posZ;
internal float forX;
internal float forY;
internal float forZ;
internal float couR;
internal float couG;
internal float couB;
internal int pitch;
internal int velocity;
internal string tag;
internal int trajectoire;
private varEnvoiBalle envoiBalleCustom;
private Queue queBalle = new Queue();
struct varVector3Pad
internal float X;
internal float Y;
internal float Z;
internal Vector3 vector;
internal int pad;
private varVector3Pad positionPad;
private varVector3Pad rotationPad;
private varVector3Pad positionTra;
private Queue quePositionPad = new Queue();
private Queue queRotationPad = new Queue();
private Queue quePositionTrajectoire = new Queue();
private Queue queRotationTrajectoire = new Queue();
private Queue queAssigneTrajectoire = new Queue();
struct varAnimPad
internal float temps;
internal int sens;
internal Vector3 position1;
internal Vector3 position2;
internal int pad;
internal bool actif;
private Queue queAnimRot=new Queue();
private Queue queAnimTra=new Queue();
private varAnimPad animTraTemp;
int msgtarget;
private bool modulationBool;
private string modulation;
private Color ancienneJR;
private Color ancienneJC;
private bool bougeDuPlancher;
private bool msgPluie;
private bool inverseGrav;
public bool OscPads=true;
private bool[] demarreScene;
private bool eparpille;
private PlaygroundParticlesC particles;
private ManipulatorObjectC[] manipulator;
public GameObject particules;
private int manipulatorCount = 0;
public bool offlineMode = false;
public bool motionBlurActiver=false;
void Start() {
if (!offlineMode) SendToPort = SendToPortLive;
//initialisation OSC
UDPPacketIO udp = GetComponent<UDPPacketIO>();
udp.init(RemoteIP, SendToPort, ListenerPort);
handler = GetComponent<Osc>();
GameObject obj = GameObject.Find("scripts");
hud = obj.GetComponent<OSCSender>();
scriptSequence = obj.GetComponent<imagesSequence>();
demarreScene = new bool[10];
particles = particules.GetComponentInChildren<PlaygroundParticlesC>();
manipulator = new ManipulatorObjectC[16];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
manipulator = PlaygroundC.GetManipulator(i, particles);
//print (manipulator);
//instantiate les trajectoires
for (int i=0;i<20;i++)
var go = new GameObject();
int ij = i + 1;
go.name = "trajectoire" + ij;
go.transform.parent = GameObject.Find("trajectoires").transform;
//instantiate les pastilles
positions = new float[nbrPastilles + 1, 3];
pitchPad = new int[nbrPastilles + 1, 2];
rotations = new float[nbrPastilles + 1, 3];
couleurs = new float[nbrPastilles + 1, 3];
editionPad = new int[nbrPastilles + 1];
activationPad = new int[nbrPastilles + 1];
bounce = new float[nbrPastilles + 1];
spring = new float[nbrPastilles + 1];
pastilles = new GameObject[nbrPastilles + 1];
pastillesScript = new animPastille[nbrPastilles + 1];
float rayon = 60;
for (int i = 1; i < nbrPastilles + 1; i++) {
float randomf = Random.Range(0, 360);
Vector3 pos = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(randomf * 0.01745f) * rayon, 6, Mathf.Sin(randomf * 0.01745f) * rayon);
Transform instPastille = (Transform)Instantiate(pastille, pos, Quaternion.identity);
instPastille.transform.parent = transform;
pastillesScript = instPastille.GetComponent<animPastille>();
pastillesScript.numPad = i;
pastilles = instPastille.gameObject;
instPastille.tag = "Pastille";
instPastille.gameObject.name = "pastille-" + i;
public void AllMessageHandler(OscMessage oscMessage)
string msgString = Osc.OscMessageToString (oscMessage); //the message and value combined
string msgAddress = oscMessage.Address; //the message parameters
//object msgValue = oscMessage.Values [0];
//Debug.Log (msgString); //log the message and values coming from OSC
switch (msgAddress)
case "/unity/pad/trajectoire/":
varAnimPad padTrajectoire = new varAnimPad();
padTrajectoire.pad = (int)oscMessage.Values[0];
padTrajectoire.sens = (int)oscMessage.Values[1];
case "/unity/trajectoire/position/":
varVector3Pad msgposT = new varVector3Pad();
msgposT.pad = (int)oscMessage.Values[0];
msgposT.vector = new Vector3((float)oscMessage.Values[1], (float)oscMessage.Values[2], (float)oscMessage.Values[3]);
case "/unity/trajectoire/rotation/":
varVector3Pad msgposF = new varVector3Pad();
msgposF.pad = (int)oscMessage.Values[0];
msgposF.vector = new Vector3((float)oscMessage.Values[1], (float)oscMessage.Values[2], (float)oscMessage.Values[3]);
void Update()
//positions des trajectoires
if (quePositionTrajectoire.Count > 0)
positionTra = (varVector3Pad)quePositionTrajectoire.Dequeue();
if (positionTra.pad != 0)
Vector3 newLoc = positionTra.vector;
GameObject traj = GameObject.Find("trajectoire" + positionTra.pad);
traj.transform.position = newLoc;
} while (quePositionTrajectoire.Count != 0);
//rotations des trajectoires
if (queRotationTrajectoire.Count > 0)
varVector3Pad rotationTra = new varVector3Pad();
rotationTra = (varVector3Pad)queRotationTrajectoire.Dequeue();
if (rotationTra.pad!=0){
Quaternion newRot = Quaternion.identity;
newRot.eulerAngles = rotationTra.vector;
GameObject traj = GameObject.Find("trajectoire" + rotationTra.pad);
traj.transform.rotation = newRot;
} while (queRotationTrajectoire.Count != 0);
I noticed I get the errors on all the lines using the pattern variable=(varType)variable.Dequeue();