NullReferenceException on InputSystem.actions

When a project is first imported, InputSystem.actions will always return null if it is set to a custom asset.

This is fixed when the Unity Editor is re-opened a second time. On CI, though, we don’t have this option, so this error is more challenging to work around.

Further Information:

Although the asset reference is set, on first import the Project Settings shows an empty field:

After re-opening Unity, the correct asset is shown:

I think this may have to do with asset import order. Perhaps the Input Actions Asset in our project is imported after Project Settings are resolved?

Re-adding the custom asset also fixes the problem, however it does not change anything on disk. So this seems to be a case where the serialized project settings on disk are out of sync with the in-memory object.

I can submit a bug report if that would be helpful, or if you can suggest a workaround to try.

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