NullReferenceException: The Table "xyz_en" does not have a SharedTableData

So, I created a simple example to demonstrate the error.

There is a build and source code (re-import packages before using). I also shared two videos. The first video demonstrates how it works in the editor, the second video shows errors in the browser.


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Localization;
using UnityEngine.Localization.Settings;
using UnityEngine.Localization.Tables;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

public class UI : MonoBehaviour
    private const string c_Key = "ex";
    private const string c_Table = "UITable";
    private VisualElement m_PrevButton;
    private VisualElement m_NextButton;
    private Label m_LocalizedText;

    private int m_CurrentLocaleIndex;
    private IList<Locale> m_Locales;

    private StringTable m_StringTable;
    private LocalizedStringTable m_LocalizedStringTable = new LocalizedStringTable { TableReference = c_Table };

    private void Awake()
        var doc = GetComponent<UIDocument>();
        var uxml = doc.rootVisualElement;
        m_PrevButton = uxml.Q<VisualElement>(name: "PrevButton");
        m_NextButton = uxml.Q<VisualElement>(name: "NextButton");
        m_LocalizedText = uxml.Q<Label>(name: "LocalizedText");
        m_PrevButton.RegisterCallback<ClickEvent>(_ => PreviousLocale());
        m_NextButton.RegisterCallback<ClickEvent>(_ => NextLocale());

    private IEnumerator Start()
        yield return LocalizationSettings.InitializationOperation;
        Debug.Log("LocalizationSettings.InitializationOperation: " + LocalizationSettings.InitializationOperation.Status);
        m_Locales = LocalizationSettings.Instance.GetAvailableLocales().Locales;
        LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocaleChanged += DebugInfo;

        var op = m_LocalizedStringTable.GetTableAsync();
        yield return op.Task;
        m_LocalizedStringTable.TableChanged += OnStringTableChanged;

    private async void OnStringTableChanged(StringTable table)
        await LocalizationSettings.InitializationOperation.Task;
        await m_LocalizedStringTable.GetTableAsync().Task;

        var entry = table.GetEntry(c_Key);
        Text = entry.GetLocalizedString();

    private void NextLocale()
        SetLocale(m_CurrentLocaleIndex < m_Locales.Count - 1 ?  m_CurrentLocaleIndex + 1 : 0);

    private void PreviousLocale()
        SetLocale(m_CurrentLocaleIndex > 0 ? m_CurrentLocaleIndex - 1 : m_Locales.Count - 1);
    private string Text
        set => m_LocalizedText.text = value;
    private void SetLocale(int index)
        m_CurrentLocaleIndex = index;
        LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocale = m_Locales[index];

    private void DebugInfo()
        Debug.Log("Available locales: " + string.Join(", ", m_Locales));
    private void DebugInfo(Locale locale)
        Debug.Log("Current Locale: " + locale.Identifier);

Errors in Browser Console: