Hey fellows.
This is the first time that I do a post here. So first of all a big Hello to everybody!
I read a couple of posts abot the NullReference issue, but didn’t found a solution for me (or didn’t understood )
I have 2 simple scripts:
- PlayerController.cs
- UI_Info.cs
In my PlayerController I’m moving around a Cube and I increment a Counter variable “BlocksCnt” when I create new Cubes (when the user press “B”). This part works fine:
Declaration of the variable:
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour {
private bool Kdown;
public GameObject Blocks;
public int BlocksCnt;
and using it: the counter works fine when I’m looking to the inspector.
void BuildBlocks()
if (Input.GetKeyDown("b"))
if (!Kdown)
BlocksCnt += 1;
Now the problem:
When I try to display the BlocksCnt Variable in a UI Textfield I get the NullRefExept. Error
public class UI_Info : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject myTextObj;
private int Zahl;
private bool MakeActive=false;
public string Debuger;
PlayerController plyCntrl;
I try to show the variable via the GetComponent Function (for debug purposes I’ll do it when I push the “l” Button… And I tried to store it in a String variable “Debuger” just to make sure the problem is not that I’m using the GetComponent stuff not correct. Unfortunately both versions won’t work.
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown("l"))
MakeActive = true;
//OurComponent.text = plyCntrl.BlocksCnt.ToString();
if (MakeActive)
myTextObj.GetComponent<Text>().text = plyCntrl.BlocksCnt.ToString();
Debuger = plyCntrl.BlocksCnt.ToString();
I hope you have some ideas for me.