
i really don’t understand why this error come to me so much times x.x
i could handle it 2-3 times, but now i can’t handle it again… although i have build the exact same code with the last one…

so my code is guiSchool3.js (This script attached to Main Camera on Scene “A”)

#pragma strict
var script : guiSchool2;
var choice : int;
script = GetComponent(guiSchool2);
choice = script.flag;

var tekstur1 : Texture;
function Start () {
function OnGUI(){
	else if (choice==2){

and here’s guiSchool2! (i delete the part that not linked by the error)(This Script attached to Main Camera on Scene “B”)

#pragma strict

var flag: int;

function OnGUI (){

	if(GUI.Button(Rect(pos_b1w,pos_b1h,b_width,b_height)," ",button_perkalian)){
		flag = 1;
	if(GUI.Button(Rect(pos_b1w,pos_b2h,b_width,b_height)," ",button_luas)){
		flag = 2;
	if(GUI.Button(Rect(pos_b1w,pos_b3h,b_width,b_height)," ",button_satuan)){
		flag = 3;

and the console throw me this exception

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
guiSchool3.Main () (at Assets/Scripts/School/guiSchool3.js:5)

i believe i’ve done the exact same with the code before… but it’s still wrong… why?

I’m pretty sure you should assign “script” and “choice” in the start function. Unless you already fixed it.

function Start() {
    script = GetComponent(guiSchool2);
    choice = script.flag;