Number of Users going down?

I recently launched my game on Android (previously on iOS) and noticed a weird thing with the total Number of Users. It seems that the iOS numbers went down while the Android numbers went up. But this doesn’t make any sense to me because I thought the Number of Users metric NEVER goes down. I interpret it as the total number of users who have ever installed the game. Is this not correct?

Hi @noethis ,

The Number of Users metric is the count of the number of active users. For a user to be considered active they must have played your game within the past 90 days. If they have not played for over 90 days then they will be removed from your active users and also any segments they belong to.

Your graph does look a little odd as iOS and Android kind of mirror each other so I am going to take a look into that to make sure that it is accurately reflecting your data.

Ok, that makes sense–I launched Android almost exactly 3 months after iOS. Still might be nice to have a metric for ALL USERS (for all time). Either that or put a note/label somewhere that mentions active users are just last 90 days. Thanks!

Hi @noethis ,

It looks like your Dashboard is showing correct data but I am going to keep an eye on it for a few days and do a few more checks just to make sure though.

I made a note to make this information available somewhere online and if you would like to show your support for an ALL USERS metric you can show your support for it by adding/voting for it here,✓&status=0&category=analytics&view=hottest