I’ve worked on a number of projects that have used the typical obb downloader asset that always crops up when searching for unity obb downloaders (GitHub - Over17/UnityOBBDownloader: This is Unity plugin for Android, intended to download .obb expansion files from Google Play.). In the past this has been fine as it’s been acceptable to simply reuse the splash screen and have some text and progress bars rendered from a java plugin.
However I now find the desire for an alternative, either with the ability to visualize the download progress from the unity activity without needing to hand over visuals to a download activity. And even more ideally, the ability to download the obb from our own source (It’s easier to internally test builds from a build server if we get the obb from it, instead of having to upload to Google each time we want to test the obb download).
So before I begin the task of trying to take apart the OBB downloader linked above and probably break it in various ways in my attempts to achieve these goals. I thought I would throw up a post to see if other people are aware of any alternative OBB download solutions for unity besides the above mentioned? No sense doing a load of work if there’s already an asset available to do it for us.