Hi, Im still a beginner here. I hope sb can help me with this 
I face a problem where I want after one object animation is done for example alphabet ‘j’
… I want the second animation which is alpahbet ‘e’
to be play automatically.
How can I do that?
Here is the animator:
That is possible and very simple to do if both animations are in the same Animator Controller
Lets name the animations "J"
and "E"
as you suggested.
For this case I would use a coroutine to determine the waiting delay for the first animation so we can trigger the second one.
IEnumerator Start()// you can change this from Start to any other name and trigger it by StartCoroutine(NameChosen());
animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); //this grabs the Animator from the GameObject this script is attached to so we can manipulate it.
animator.Play("J"); //this plays the first animation
yield return new WaitForSeconds(animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).length); //After we start to play J we check the length (duration) of the animation J
animator.Play("E"); //this plays the second animation
Make sure that both the Animations inside the Animator
are named "J"
and "E"
respectively. I would also suggest to remove the automatic loop
from the first animation through the Inspector.
- moderator: trigger warning
Am i doing this right?? because i get the output that the object animation move at the same time
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