Object Collision Countdown

I am trying to create a small and short third person view game, where the main object (Infected) collides with other objects (human) in order to “infect” them. After all human objects have been collided with and changed color, I would like that to trigger a “load scene.” I have been trying to use the score and UI approach as a Countdown but that doesn’t seem to work. Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated.,I am trying to create a third person view game that when the main object (player) collides into other objects (human) they “infect them.” With that I am trying to make a countdown in order to move on to the next level. In the first level I have two objects (humans) to be infected. after both objects have been collided with and their color changed I want that to trigger a load scene.

What I would do is have each instance of a human add to a count on Start(), and then once it is turned add to a TurnedHumanCounter, and once the two are equal load a new scene.

public abstract class Human : MonoBehaviour
    protected virtual void Start()

    public virtual void TurnToInfected()

        // Do what ever you want to make this human into an infected here.

public class GoalCounter : MonoBehaviour
    public static GoalCounter LocalReference;

    private float _humanCount = 0;
    private float _infectedCount = 0;

    private void Awake()
        if (LocalReference == null)
            LocalReference = this;

    public void AddHuman()

    public void HumanTurned()

        if (_infectedCount == _humanCount)

So just have an infected check that the collider it hits has a component of type Human, and call TurnToInfected() on it. Add Human, or a class that derives from human and it all should work(Also note to move each class it their own file.