Hi, I have a really simple problem that I have never encountered. I have a box that represents a light switch and a knife on a table. When I move the crosshair near the objects or the character controller itself, the objects disappear. Might be the models? They are FBX, and it has never happened before…
Doesn’t look like issue with the model.
A lot of things can cause this. Culling, wrong transparent materials, scripts, etc…
If you can upload the project somewhere, it will be easier to help.
If you can’t share the project, then do something like this:
Reproduce the case in Game mode.
Pause Unity.
Select the object disappeared in Scene view. Focus on it.
If it’s not visible in Scene view, the check if it is active (checkmark on object is on) or its renderer is active and present
Try to rotate camera around it in Scene view. Is it visible from different angle/distance?
Try to turn off crosshair object. Does it change something?