Object does not follow hand with animation, help needed!

Hello there!
I was making an animation of a person eating a soup. However, whenever I import the spoon FBX, the spoon seems to have moved position a bit in the 3d location, and therefore, does not follow the hand correctly anymore.

Here is what I have tried to do so far:
-Play a bit with the settigs of the spoon fbx in unity
-Bake the animation of the spoon, removing the “Child-Of” constraint that it had in blender aswell.
-Leave the “Child-Of” constraint and import it was it was.

Soo far, none of these solutions have worked, and the resulting animation seems to be unchanged.
Here are some screenshots that might help out!
(Nevermind, it won’t let me upload more than this screenshot. I’ll upload more if asked!)

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

What type of Avatar are you using? Generic or Humanoid?


I am using a “Humanoid” rig in Unity.

To better explain, here is my process:

I make my rig quick and easy with Auto-Rig Pro, in blender (The paid version). Then, use it’s export system to export that same rig to be compatible to with the “Humanoid” rig in Unity.

The spoon is not part of the rig. The spoon is another different rig, that consists of 1 single bone that acts as a general controller for the spoon. The bone starts at the end of the spoon and ends at the top of the spoon.

When you import into Unity, are the character and the spoon combined into one FBX file or are they separate?

If they are combined, a common issue is that you need to set the mask for these extra bones to true in the Animation Clip, so that they can be correctly played in the Humanoid animation.

Nope, the files are separate FBXs.

One FBX is for the Human + Human Rig.
Other FBX is for the Spoon + Spoon Rig.

The way I went about to animate the spoon in blender is to have a “Child-of” modifier togge on and off at certain keyframes during the animation.

Is there anything I can provide to let you understand better the situation I am in?
Perhaps a .blend file or maybe even the .fbx files somewhere?

It doesn’t seem like a Blender issue. You might want to try switching to a Generic type; theoretically, that should work fine. However, I might not know why this issue occurred in the first place :cry:

Thanks for the suggestion!
Unfortunately I cannot change it back to a generic type, because the project I am working for requires them to be on the Humanoid type haha.

This issue was solved by myself.
Apparently when I imported into Unity the new animation, it instead got applied to an old rig I had made, and not the one that was holding the spoon. Probably something to do with the rigs and the naming conventions I was having.

This was an error on my part, but very subtle.
Thanks everyone for taking a look at it!