I would like to know how to import my objects the right way.
The first thing i want to know is how i can control how big my object is in Unity.
I mean, is my objects that i import into Unity also i.e. a 1 meter cube like i modeled it in my 3d application?
The second question is how are the objects orientated corret in Unity so that i have later no Problems when it come to animation?
My third question is a question about the fbx exporter.
Besides the options for the textures, camera, lights, animation and material i have two options that i may do not understand corretly.
I can also export the object and the mesh.
What is the different between the object and the mesh?
I am use Lightwave 3D v 9.3.1 as my main 3D app. so maybe some other “wavers” can help me to get a faster step from LW to Unity.
Oh, and by the way, can i export objects that have more than one bone for an vertex?
Thank you for your help