Object Instantiate Image to Canvas, Object destroy, Image destroy?

Using C# in Unity 5.6…

I have an Object ‘player’ who creates an Image ‘healthBar’ to the Canvas. I can sucessfully change ‘healthBar’ scale, and have it’s position move with ‘player’. But when I wish for ‘player’ to die ‘healthbar’ stays in the canvas. I can’t get it’s correct InstanceID to destroy the correct ‘healthbar’ in the Canvas…

I only posted relevant code

What am I doing wrong, or what should I be doing?

public class Player : MonoBehaviour {

	public Canvas canvas;
	private Image createHealthbar;
	public Image healthBarImage;
	private Image healthBar;
	private Image createHealth;
	public Image healthImage;
	private Image health;

	void Start(){
		pixelX = canvas.worldCamera.pixelWidth;
		pixelY = canvas.worldCamera.pixelHeight;

	void Update(){
		if (AmSelected == true) { IsSelected (); }

		if (Input.GetKeyUp (KeyCode.H)) { 
			if (health.transform.localScale.x > 0.05f) {
				health.transform.localScale -= new Vector3 (.1f, 0f, 0f);
				health.transform.localPosition -= new Vector3 (5f, 0f, 0f);
			} else {
				//Destroy (createHealthbar); //These don't work...
				//Destroy (createHealth);  //These don't work...
				Destroy(gameObject);  //Player destroys but healthbars remain...

	void IsSelected(){
		if (healthBar != null) {
			Vector3 screenPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint (this.transform.position + heightOffset);
			healthBar.transform.localPosition = (new Vector3 (screenPos.x - (pixelX / 2f), screenPos.y - (pixelY / 2f), 0f));
			Debug.Log ("itID " + healthBar.GetInstanceID());
			//Debug shows a different ID, no matter which (healthBarImage, createHealthbar, healthBar) I use...
		} else {
			createHealthbar = Instantiate(healthBarImage, canvas.transform) as Image;
			healthBar = createHealthbar;
			createHealth = Instantiate (healthImage, createHealthbar.transform);
			health = createHealth;


I’m a bit confused by what appear to be redundant Images. So I’m not sure which one you need to Destroy().

Try destroying the related gameObject, and not just the Image component. For example:

Destroy (createHealthbar.gameObject);