title pretty much says it all. set up a few characters doing some combat in Preview. plays back fine in Preview on the Timeline in the game or scene view, but if you start the scene,the animated objects move location and the offsets no longer make sense relative to new location. they don’t seem to move to to world zero, however. taking off Root Motion on the Animator Controllers doesn’t improve anything either.
additionally, if this is previewed, looping will reset all characters positions correctly while scene playback will continue moving the characters position (presumably based on root motion?).
is this a bug? do i need to bake the Timeline to a separate animation to play it back correctly? the UNITE demos looked totally seamless positionally between playback and preview modes, so i’m a little confused why i get such a different result. it does seem that a few others have reported similar symptoms though.
some images to share:
this is the shot from the Preview. camera and characters are positioned correctly. note second blue character on floor as well. And here is the playback version, at approximately the same time:
The camera is clearly out of position as are all the other characters. the main player is rotated to her left. players feet are also below the level of the floor. the pink enemy has moved back, and the blue enemy is far to the left.
any clue what’s going on here? i asked a similar question on a different thread and at least one other person is getting different locations between scene playback and preview. for now i’m just working in preview as it seems most reliable. any help appreciated!
I noticed some weirdness where some assets under timeline control were getting their local transform set to P0,0,0:R,0,0,0 on entering playmode. At least that is what it kind of looked like???
Didn’t find a workaround, just kind of backed off timeline for a bit.
[Edit: Disclaimer: I’m playing with 2017 beta 2, so I’m ok with weirdness]
Has this issue been fixed in 2017.1.0f3? Is there a link to the bug tracker for this issue?
I’m experiencing the same problem. I was using Timeline to animate the path a seagull flies in my scene. After animating the flight, it looks fine in the timeline preview. However when I actually run the game, the path of the bird is rotated 90 degrees and is offset incorrectly. Checking “Apply Track Offsets” and moving the starting position / rotation seems to have no affect either.
I think I worked around this in one case by deleting my animation and starting from scratch, but it just happened again. I think this is a bug.
Also, I don’t think it is clearly documented how the position is calculated when running an animation timeline. It seems to me that final result is:
Local Position = Local Position from when object was added to timeline + Apply Track Offset (if enabled) + The value of the position on the animation timeline for the current frame
The confusing part is that the animation timeline seems to remember the position the object was in when it was added to the timeline, and everything else is relative to that. Is this true? What if I want to change this value later? It doesn’t seem like there is any way to view or alter this value without destroying the animation track and rebuilding it.
There were some bugs when using recording and the offset position that have been fixed in 2017.1p3. We are specifically looking at issues 939548 and 933260 and much of the confusion is because of the how timeline and animation controllers interact.
When a controller is attached to the animator, animation tracks will start animating the character from it’s current position (to the animations are locally placed). This was done to permit blending to/from gameplay smoothly. Any offsets initially applied are effectively ignored. If you are experience playback issues, try to remove the controller. (if it still persists please send in a bug report).
When no controller is attached, everything plays back exactly in place as it does in the editor.
Timeline always uses rootmotion, even if it’s not indicated by the animator.
We are working with the animation and UX teams to come up with a clearer way to set and indicate where animations should start from.
Agreed, it should be the users choice. It was an oversight on our part, and like I said, we are working with the appropriate teams to get a better solution asap.
Thanks for the information about the issue. After reading your response I did a few experiments on my own to make sure I understood how it was all working.
For others, I’ll mention the work around I’m using for now.
Since the animators on my seagulls never modify the root position, the bug above causes all my animations to be based from (0,0,0) even if the preview shows them starting from somewhere else. So as a workaround, I make sure the seagulls I’m about to animate are positioned at (0,0,0) and rotated at (0,0,0) before I drag them into the timeline. That way, the preview animations match up with the actual animations.
is it possible to play the animation in absolute reference not relative without getting rid of the controller ?
because i have a similar problem
i have an intro and outro, lets say player entering and exiting room animation that must be played at exact absolute position
during those two events the player can control avatar manually in gameplay
but when i play the outro its always plays with an offset relative to were the avatar in gameplay mode last was, not were i want it to play in absolute scene offset reference like i want it to
for instance i cant get it to play exit animation from the door location
@seant_unity This problem should be a lot more visible to users. I accidentally stumbled across this thread after 2 days of debugging. We were about to revert to Unity 5. Why is there a discrepancy between the playback between the editor and play mode? That seems like the actual bug here. If there wasn’t I’m sure I would have found the solution in a couple of minutes
We’ve been working with the animation team to improve that by allowing you to specify the behaviour (relative, or absolute) on the track, and trying to make this available asap.
Wow, this is amazing, I just spent my money in the subscription thinking that the timeline would be really an awesome tool, and now I see all these bugs here and there! Not only the timeline is rendered unusable for animating characters positions and rotations (which is pretty much what any cut scene is made of), but also there is not event system in the timeline still… Really a disappointment! I see these posts from Unity saying that they are gonna fix this and that but at the end when I return almost 4 months later the issues still all over Unity. To top it off, the last Unity response in this post was in September 6, today is November 29. One would think that the issue was fix based on the long absence!
Yes. I have been feeling tired of reporting bugs to Unity Team in recent years because they are not getting fixed. Every new Unity version feels more buggy. I am afraid I am losing hope day by day