Object Not set to a instance of an object NPCController.Interact()

When I start up the game, I have an NPC Character, which has a script attached called NPCController When I click “z” to “Interact” With this character, this error shows up. Feel free to ask me more questions, Thanks.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
NPCController.Interact () (at Assets/Scripts/Characters Controller/NPCController.cs:13)
PlayerController.Interact () (at Assets/Scripts/Characters Controller/PlayerController.cs:64)
PlayerController.HandleUpdate () (at Assets/Scripts/Characters Controller/PlayerController.cs:49)
GameController.Update () (at Assets/Scripts/GameController.cs:58)

In all of these scripts, there is a line of code that has “Interact”
"NPCController script goes as shown -

public class NPCController : MonoBehaviour, Interactable
     [SerializeField] Dialog dialog;
    public void Interact()

And it is not happy with these lines in PlayerController
This If statement is in a public void method called HandleUpdate()

if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z))

And this If statement is in the void “Interact”

if (collider != null)

And its also not happy with this in my game controller script

void Update()
    if (state == GameState.FreeRoam) playerController.HandleUpdate();
    else if (state == GameState.Battle) battleSystem.HandleUpdate();
    else if (state == GameState.Dialog) DialogManager.Instance.HandleUpdate();