Object Pooling Script for Autorunner?

I’m trying to optimise my Mobile Auto-runner Game by replacing Instantiating and Deleting with Object Pooling. However, I can’t seem to figure out how to fix my script issue, as asset creation is by far my primary skill, and I’m still a beginner when it comes to scripting. I’ve been told that I need to provide an INT as a key and I have no idea how to do that. My autorunner uses 4 tiles that loop.

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class TileManager : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject[] tilePrefabs;

    Dictionary<int, List<GameObject>> tilePool = new Dictionary<int, List<GameObject>>();

    private Transform playerTransform;
    private float spawnZ = -10f;
    private float tileLength = 27.7016f;
    private float safeZone = 22.5f;
    private int amnTilesOnScreen = 4;
    private int lastPrefabIndex = 0;

    private List<GameObject> activeTiles;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    private void Start()
        activeTiles = new List<GameObject>();
        playerTransform = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform;

        for (int i = 0; i < amnTilesOnScreen; i++)
            if (i < 2)

    // Update is called once per frame
    private void Update()
        if (playerTransform.position.z - safeZone > (spawnZ - amnTilesOnScreen * tileLength))

    private void SpawnTile(int prefabIndex = -1)
        //make sure prefabIndex is set correctly.

        if (!tilePool.ContainsKey(prefabIndex)) tilePool.Add(prefabIndex, new List<GameObject>());
        GameObject go = tilePool[prefabIndex].Find(x => !x.activeSelf); // find disabled gameobject to reuse
        if (go == null)
            go = Instantiate(tilePrefabs[prefabIndex]) as GameObject;
        //set position for go and else

    private void DeleteTile()
        activeTiles[0].SetActive(false);//disable for reuse

    private int RandomPrefabIndex()
        if (tilePrefabs.Length <= 1)
            return 0;

        int randomIndex = lastPrefabIndex;
        while (randomIndex == lastPrefabIndex)
            randomIndex = Random.Range(0, tilePrefabs.Length);

        lastPrefabIndex = randomIndex;
        return randomIndex;


Before you link me to this other thread ( Object Pooling ), I already read it and it did not provide me with the help I needed.

I would seriously appreciate help as I’ve been stuck on this issue for quite a while.

What issue are you experiencing?

And have you considered something like Lean Pool | Utilities Tools | Unity Asset Store since coding isn’t your specialty?

I can see you know already how to instantiate game object from prefabs. Now replace Destroy with SetActive(false), prepend Intantiate with checking if such object is in pool and take it from pool instead of instantiation. Use prefabs as keys in your pool dictionary for easy search. If your platforms changing their state during the gameplay, then you also need to write function to revert those changes so objects come from pool brand new without signs of usage

I followed tutorials to write these scripts so I really don’t understand a lot of what you said (sorry). Can you just show me the changes to make? Also, this script doesn’t have destroy in it and I already put set active false. I think it has checking too.