Object Pooling

hi guys I’m trying to instantiate a bullet using Object Pooling, I am new to programming games and I don’t know why no bullet is being instantiated if I press fire2 although there are pre instantiated bullet clones in my Game Controller…thanks!

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class bulletspawn : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject bullet;
public List bulletspawner; //
public List activePlayerTurrets;
public float scatterShotTurretReloadTime = 2.0f;

void Start()


void FixedUpdate()
bool shoot = Input.GetButtonDown (“Fire2”);

foreach(GameObject turret in activePlayerTurrets) {
GameObject bullet = objectpooler.SharedInstance.GetPooledObject ();
if (bullet != null) {
bullet.transform.position = turret.transform.position;
bullet.transform.rotation = turret.transform.rotation;
bullet.SetActive (true);
IEnumerator Activatebulletspawner ()

while (true) {
foreach (GameObject turret in bulletspawner) {
GameObject bullet = objectpooler.SharedInstance.GetPooledObject ();
if (bullet != null) {
bullet.transform.position = turret.transform.position;
bullet.transform.rotation = turret.transform.rotation;
bullet.SetActive (true);

yield return new WaitForSeconds (scatterShotTurretReloadTime);



I got the script in a nice tutorial I just tried to combine it with my script so its a bit convoluted, the turret is not supposed to be there also the activePlayerTurrets I just don’t know how to replace it