"Object reference not set to an instance of the object" yet I can see the reference is working in monodevelop

As title says, using this code to access a function in another script

            GameObject castAccess = GameObject.Find("castInt(clone)");
			castInt castScript = castAccess.GetComponent("castInt") as castInt;

it returns the error Object reference not set to an instance, I have no idea which reference is not set to an instance as I have been through everything…

monodevelop autocompletes the castScript.removeSelf(); call so it finds the removeSelf function in the other script on the other class…

the object "castInt(clone)" is an instantiated prefab which has the script castInt attached to it, it’s created on button pressDown and then the code here is called on buttonPressUp

on top of all this I have identical code seemingly working identically in another scene that doesn’t error!

any insight would be fantastic!

Try the second part like this
castInt castScript = castAccess.GetComponent();