Object says it's null, but on inspecting it seems to have the correct value

I have a derived class that I’m serializing. If I check the value in code, it says it’s null. But if I inspect the value it actually has a value. See attached image. Can anyone tell me what’s causing this?


As you can see, the if-check succeeds and the for-loop is short-circuited with a ‘continue’, however ‘item’ actually has a value, the value that I’d expect it to have.

public class ScriptableActionsAsset : NarrationScriptableObject
	public ScriptableActionItem[] Items;

public class PlayAudioActionItem : ScriptableActionItem
	public AudioClip pathToAudioClip;

public class ScriptableActionItem : ScriptableObject

I realise that the [Serializable] attributes are a bit redundant, but I had them in initially and haven’t removed them yet. The ScriptableActionItem and NarrationScriptableObject contains methods but no data, they both extend ScriptableObject.

The ScriptableActionsAsset is a property on a MonoBehaviour. The Start() method of MonoBehaviour (attached to a GO) runs the following method:

public void ConvertActionItems(GameObject target, IList items)
	foreach(ScriptableActionItem item in items)
		if (item == null)
		var scriptableItem = item.ToAction(target);

Item is null!

That value you see simply tells you the TYPE OF YOUR VARIABLE.