Object spawn delay and maximum?

I basically want to Instantiate x total number of objects, with a y delay between each Instatiate. This script only spawns in one object, then stops. I would appreciate it if someone could give me an idea of what I could do to fix this.

var shipNumber = 5.0;
var spawnDelay = 3.0;
var ship : GameObject;

function Start () {
	if (shipNumber <= 5.0);
	Instantiate(ship, transform.position, transform.rotation);
	yield new WaitForSeconds (spawnDelay);

The Start function only gets called once and you shouldn’t use coroutines/yield statements in there anyway. Additionally, you never update shipNumber nor does your if check look quite right.

Try this instead:

var shipNumber = 0.0;
var spawnDelay = 3.0;
var ship : GameObject;

function Start () {

function SpawnShips () {

  while (shipNumber <= 5.0) {
    Instantiate(ship, transform.position, transform.rotation);
    yield new WaitForSeconds(spawnDelay);

The above is untested forum code but should prove the point:

  1. Call a custom function to spawn your ships
  2. That function should execute a while loop to “do your work”.
  3. That “work” involves spawning a new ship, incrementing the ship count, then yielding, when done you’ll exit the loop.


here’s how I did mine,

var numberOfShips = 0;
var shipPreFabWave2A : Transform;
var shipPreFabWave2B : Transform;

var maxShip = 10;
var counter = false;
function Update()
	if(ScoreGUI.instance.class1Wave == 2)
		if(numberOfShips < maxShip  counter == false)
			counter = true;
			//shipDistance = false;
	if(numberOfShips == maxShip)
		ScoreGUI.instance.class1Wave = 3;
		this.enabled = false;

function CreateCloneScout1()
	numberOfShips ++;
	numberOfShips ++;
	ScoreGUI.instance.shipCounter ++;
	ScoreGUI.instance.shipCounter ++;
	yield WaitForSeconds(1.0);
	counter = false;

hope it helps.

Edit: Tom’s code is shorter, I think it’s better than what you are trying to do

Thank you for the rapid assist, gentlemen! That code works like a charm, HiggyB-I feel embarassed that I was so close and couldn’t see the answer, but at least I was on the right track!

If I had $1 for every time I’ve been in that same spot I’d be a wealthy man! No worries, I’m just glad we got you sorted and on the way so easily. 8)