Object Sync between client and server (in matchmaker multiplayer)

I want to create a game multiplayer and I have a big issue here as I am new in unity multiplayer. first look at the image bellow it is my game something like chess game.


i want to have a matchmaker online game that two person (only two person) can connect and join the match, and each has his own four objects differentiated with different colors. client can move his yellow objects and server can see the changes and server can move the red objects and client can seed the new position but no one can move other’s objects. I mean server should not be able to move yellow objects which are belongs to client and vice versa.

Please help me in this regard, any solution or sample is appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

You need to do these tutorials:

and you don’t say if you’ve implemented the actual game yet either but look at the UI and tic-tac-toe examples before you do the networking examples.

By the way your multiple choice is the same answer.

Thank you,
I have created the single player version, but I want to convert it to multiplayer. I have read lots of tutorials and all of the are regarding FPS multiplayer. in my game I don’t have nay first person character. all I have are some objects (images) that are moved by finger or mouse, this is what made me confused and I don’t know how to implement that and what is my first person here and how to allocate permission to client and server to move their own objects.

If you don’t have a ‘player’ as an 1st person, 3rd person, or what have you what you do is treat the turn of the opposing sides as the 1st person player. Pretend you are looking over the shoulder of each player as they play. It’s pretty much the same sight perspective as a 1st person game isn’t it?

If it helps you then create two gameObjects that serve as a ‘playerOneTurn’ and a ‘playerTwoTurn’ that holds the last object (those yellow or red squares) the player selected and use that as your player for the multiplayer code. It should be easy to keep them sorted to keep players from inadvertently or purposely selecting the other’s piece.

I think normally you should address such question though in the Unity Beginner or Unity Networking sections as the Discussion section is mostly gossip and your questions won’t get much attention here. The other forum sections often don’t get an answer either but they are on topic and that is the place to go.