hey guys I am new to Unity, I am currently fallowing this tutorial 2. MAKE a GAME (Unity) - YouTube currently I have all object set and ready to go, but when its time to create the script the object (ball) wont move at all. I created the script first then created the rigidbody. Yet the ball wont move at all… is there an order of how I am supposed to create this? or it does not matter? The JS file is there when I click on the ball, and it is checked… I also deleted the component and re applied it… by dragging it to the ball, yet still nothing. I am using Unity 4.2.1, if anything here is the code.
var movezSpeed = 100;
function Update ()
var rotation : float = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * movezSpeed;
rotation *= Time.deltaTime;
rigidbody.AddRelativeTorque (Vector3.down * rotation);
also are there any limitations when using JS over C#? What I mean is… can I stick to JS or at a certain point will I need C#?