Objects Appear Outside VOLUME_CAMERA in Vision Pro Game

Hello, thanks for reading my post. I’m finishing a game with a long hallway that has teddy bears sitting along it. The game is for Vision Pro, using a volume_camera bounded window 3D cube. However, when I export it to my friend’s device and in the simulator… even though it’s BOUNDED, the teddy bears that are sitting along the hallway end up outside the camera’s cube during the game. Below is a video showing that when the game loads, the person walks through the entire hallway and then comes back. So, I’m asking, does anyone know how to prevent this from happening… or why it happens? I really appreciate any comments, thanks!

That’s pretty surprising; I’ve never seen content appear outside a bounded window on visionOS, and it should be clipped to the window’s extents. Is it possible that you have multiple volume cameras in your scene, and that one is unbounded? Otherwise, what does the window configuration of the volume camera look like?