Objects disappearing when too close

this happens in both scene view and game view.

Is that a 2D canvas rendered object (UI.Image) or a MeshRenderer?

If it’s the latter, do you have an LOD component on it, and what is the value you have for the Near clipping plane on the camera?

its a mesh render, and im new so, what is a LOD, and do I add it from the components?
also near clip is .01 near 100 far

LOD aka (LOD Group) is level of detail component which is typically placed on the parent game object of multiple variations of a mesh to cull / show the different variations at different distances from the camera.

Here is an example:

  • If you have one then it’s likely culling the mesh based on camera distance, but it doesn’t sound like you have one.

  • .01 near should be fine, just wanted to rule that out

Maybe a picture of the Inspector on each game object would be helpful at this point. The MeshRenderer, the Camera and anything else that may be relevant.

ok, I’ll send one as soon as i can.

This only seems to happen with assets uploaded from sketchfab unity plugin??? maybe there is a component that needs to be added…

heck even when I uploaded FROM sketchfab itself it still did it.

hold up, that was an old screenshot

I’m not seeing anything this is screenshot that would contribute to your issue. What I tend to do in this kind of situation is remove as many variables as possible to simplify the problem.

What I mean by that is:

  1. create a new empty scene
  2. put nothing in it except a new Camera and the Model.
  3. Strip off the Animator component, the box collider and anything else so you literally have nothing but a Camera on one GameObject and a MeshRender + MeshFilter on the other GameObject.

If the problem is no longer reproducible, then you know it’s something in the Scene, possibly a script, the Animator component (although I can’t think of a reason why) or something else in there.

Still disappears, it seems to happen to all of the 3d meshes uploaded from sketchfab, It also seems to happen when its off camera.

Try this, or this:

Nope, still vanishes :frowning:

Can you convert them to another format?

I’m all out of ideas except if you want to either share a link where I can download the project or the problematic mesh so I can look at it closely.

not with the plug-in. i did install one of my meshes as an obj, and it still disappears, as for todd, give me one minute to pull it up.


Contact them or submit a bug for it with repro project.

What is repro project, is it on the editor???

Basically your project, showing that it doesn’t work. But don’t expect them to have the time to look into it.