Objects in the scene in Unity are not updating

I update the scene in Unity and add new models, but they do not appear in the scene. They do not appear in the hierarchy either. They were previously appearing and were being updated to the scene.

If whatever you dragged in the scene isn’t appearing in the hierarchy it means it’s not part of the scene. Perhaps you dragged an asset onto the scene (view) which isn’t actually something you can drop there.

Try dragging the asset directly onto the scene hierarchy, if you can’t drop it there it’s not a supported type.

Otherwise post more details about how you “update” the scene, what the asset is, screenshot of the editor.

Namely: I already have a scene and I want to add new models to the scene. And I add the models in blender. Shouldn’t it automatically come to my scene when I add them? It doesn’t. However, when I add the fbx model to the scene again, the new models I added come.

I think you mean an existing mesh in the scene isn’t updated when you update that mesh in Blender. Is that it?

In this case there are a few things to consider, Kurt mentioned them here. Also see further down the thread.

Make sure you export your Blender file to FBX after every change. Or put the .blend file in Unity directly. Then be sure to only edit the .blend file under /Assets. If you drag & drop assets into the Editor, Unity will copy them and leave the original file untouched, and it’s possible you are making the changes only to the original file in a location outside the Unity project.