Objects in Unity -.-

I know it may be lame, but I dont know how to use Unity objects.
I have simple script:
GUIContent gcStartSettings = new GUIContent();
gcStartSettings.text = “StartSettings”;
if (EditorGUILayout.Foldout(false,gcStartSettings))
//When on
//When off

And I dont know how to change state of this flodout, because to acces parameter i will have assign it to any variable, but Foldout constructor returns boolean -.-
Or maybe just I dont understand it. But Documentation is simply one of the worse I ever saw. Each function should have at last full functionality wroten down and best with short sample. Not “we expect you will just do it as something else”. Or at last if it uses very standard of other object it should link to that sample. -.-

Heh… 4th hour with Unity, 2 days of trial past… I need that weekend for Unity… I need to know if I can use it in proper way and develop something on it before 30 days*…

Thanx for any help


    • need to know not develop before 30 days :stuck_out_tongue:

This link apparently has a video tutorial on instantiate


thx, will try after work for sure x]

I have tried few other things which are usefull, thx for link, but it not resolve my problem. Because my “object” is not library object, but just part of menu -.-