Hi wonder if anyone can help please i am trying to spwan objects in random locations from within a coroutine and then when timer ends start it over again, the code works for the first time but after that it spawns the object twice in different locations with half a second of each other then on each subsequent call to spawn it increases and i only want the one.
here is the code for spawn:
public IEnumerator Spawn()
spawnTimer = 60;
endGame = false;
while(spawnTimer >0 && endGame == false)
spawnX = Random.Range(-15, 15);
spawnZ = Random.Range(-15, 15);
Vector3 spawnPos = new Vector3(spawnX, 15f, spawnZ);
transform.position = spawnPos;
int i = Random.Range(0,3);
GameObject clone = Instantiate (spawnCubes *, transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;*
yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);*
i am checking the timer from within update
void Update () -
if (spawnTimer <= 0)*
{ *
endGame = true;*
spawnTimer = 0;*
spawnTimer -= Time.deltaTime;*
which then calls new level
public void NewLevel() -
boxDestroyer ();*
TagSetter ();*
StartCoroutine (Spawn ());*
destroy the objects and tags with
public void boxDestroyer()
GameObject[] killCube = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Cubes");*
foreach (GameObject die in killCube)*
GameObject[] killCollect = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Collect");*
foreach (GameObject die in killCollect)*
resets the tags with
public void TagSetter() -
spawnWho = Random.Range (0, 3);*
for (int i =0; i<spawnCubes.Length; i++)*
if(i == spawnWho)*
_ spawnCubes*.tag = “Collect”;_
_ collectMe = spawnCubes.name;
spawnCubes*.tag = “Cubes”;
then reduces the delay which is the time to wait for seconds until next object spawn and i call the spawn co routine again. can anyone help please i know idea what i am doing wrong._