I Have an ObjectA that gets fired arross the screen. I do not want this object to spin because it contains invisible colliders that will act at hit markers and therefore act differenty depending on where it is hit, and I will need these colliders always facing the camera.
The visual part of this object I do want to have spinning. So I made this a separate object and called it ObjectB.
I set ObjectB to be a child of object A and they move accross the screen perfectly together.
The problem comes when I try to make OBjectB spin.
I can’t use the addtorque option because you can’t have two objects that are parent-child relationship both have rigidbodies.
I tryed just having the objectB spin by changing it’s transform.rotation but it doesn’t look right and I would love to use the addtorque and later on the addforce for something else I want to happen.
I read that you can use fixed joints to make two objects follow eachother and they both can have rigidbodies.
I have set this up but it isn’t working properly.
Both ObjectA and ObjectB are instantiated together in two lines of code. but when I run the game ObjectB frezzes at it’s spawn location and ObjectA does exactly what it is supposed to do.
Any thoughts?