OK I don’t know if this is possible, but I’m hoping someone has a good solution other than a bunch of raycasts. I have a crosshair texture on screen and I’d like to get an array of all objects that are behind/underneath it because at the distances I’m working with a raycast is too precise and often misses the object I want to select. Any ideas? I thought of using the screen rectangle of the texture but I didn’t see a way to get a list of objects within that rectangle. My other solution is to raycast from various points in the texture and then build the list myself.
Take a look at this:
Pretty tough to suggest something without knowing more about how the objects you want to select might be placed in the scene.
Regardless, I think you’ll have to come up with a suiting algorithm to check which objects that should be selected. Limiting the search space with buckets or something might speed things up if you have a large scene and a multitude of objects.
If you do want to use raycasts, you could always use 3-4 casts from the camera (to set the “search space”) and then link larger colliders to your small objects to give them a “radius”.
Just some ideas.
If the objects you want to test have rigidbodies, then you could have a long pyramid-shaped trigger that moves with and extends outward from the crosshair texture (set the rotation using camera.ScreenPointToRay and Quaternion.LookRotation), and anything entering the trigger would therefore be “underneath” the crosshair.