Occlusion Culling and rendering facts

Hi everyone,

This is not a scripting question, but I think this is the best place to ask it.
I’m developing a 2D sidescroll game with multiple objects.

When entering game mode, Occlusion Culling does the job of not rendering the objects that are out of the view frustrum? Or only the objects that are inside the view frustrum but behind some objects (and they won’t be seen by the camera)?

I’m wondering if I don’t use Occlusion Culling, is the Unity Engine smart enough to not render all objects that are out of the frustrum, or do I have to enable Occlusion Culling for this job.

Thanks in advance.

Occlusion culling does not affect view frustrum culling, so frustrum culling happens even if occlusion culling is disabled.

Occlusion culling in Unity subdivides your scene into cells and then performs editor-time visibility checks between the cells. At runtime, with this data in hand, the rendering system for a camera can determine which cells (and thus renderers contained in those cells) are visible from the cell inhabited by the camera.

Frustum culling checks the view frustum of your camera and excludes all renderers not partially or wholly inside of it.