Occlusion Culling Bugs in 3.3 Pro

Hi everyone,

After several setting experiments, with occlusion culling in 3.3 i was not able to get it run smoothly(it did run well in 3.0), so here is the problem :

If i got some animated and/or static objects,
which do partially hide more then the half of the camera view :

  • the culling hides objects where i am flying through.
  • the culling unhides objects only when i am right in front of them.

what i already tried :

  • unstatic doesn´t work > the objects still get unhid from the culling
  • target volume > on/off / view volume > on/off doesn´t work
  • higher far clip plane doesn´t work
  • smaller cellsize / higher target volume quality doesn´t work
  • 1 Big Occlusion field or several small occlusion fields doesn´t solve the problem.

Any suggestions to fix the problem ?

Thanks in advance

Have the same Problem… are there any suggestions?

Have you tried to upgrade till the latest version to see if the problem has been solved?

If you have solved it, please tell what you did and mark this question as answered, so everyone knows how to fix it.