Hi everyone,
After several setting experiments, with occlusion culling in 3.3 i was not able to get it run smoothly(it did run well in 3.0), so here is the problem :
If i got some animated and/or static objects,
which do partially hide more then the half of the camera view :
- the culling hides objects where i am flying through.
- the culling unhides objects only when i am right in front of them.
what i already tried :
- unstatic doesn´t work > the objects still get unhid from the culling
- target volume > on/off / view volume > on/off doesn´t work
- higher far clip plane doesn´t work
- smaller cellsize / higher target volume quality doesn´t work
- 1 Big Occlusion field or several small occlusion fields doesn´t solve the problem.
Any suggestions to fix the problem ?
Thanks in advance