Occlusion Culling rendering everything OUT (not wanted)

hey there
i just found the option for occlusion culling and its working very good.
but i realized it renders everything out but i want some stuff to be in the scene.
is there an option where i can say that this objects should not be rendered out?
and its not static… i did already use it, but occlusion culling ignores it and is rendering everything out.

any ideas what i could forgot?

I’m assuming by ‘rendered out’ you mean culled? Both Occlusion Culling (culls objects that are behind others) and Frustum Culling (culls objects that are outside your camera’s field of view, always on) will cull objects that you wouldn’t be able to see when actually rendering them to the screen (or RT), but have no effect on the objects themselves or their scripts. Even if an object is culled, it still exists and will still execute scripts as usual.

The only reason really to exclude something from occlusion culling is if it’s visible under abnormal conditions. Something like player outlines through walls or the like would need to be excluded from occlusion culling.

Unfortunately, there’s not real good builtin way to do this. It is possible, however. You would need to give those special ‘see-through-walls’ objects their own layer, then render them with a second camera set to only render that layer, with occlusion culling off on that camera. If you’re already using a separate camera for held items or something, you can just use that.