Occlusion Joystick for Third Person Character

I have been playing around with the occlusion joystick and cannot seem to isolate the left joystick to move a character around with a camera following overhead, can anyone help me with the script to apply the GUI left joystick, from the occlusion example, for use on a character in the third person view?


Well, be safe I guess…

And I don’t have any code for you but if you go through the actual script, you’ll notice it uses a separate raycast to read touches on the screen. If you delete the one you don’t want, you should be good (although there will still be some little bits of code floating around in the RAM for the thumb-stick you don’t want…Lets see if Eric has anything on this)

You gotta keep your hobbies or you will go crazy. I pretty much dedicate all my free time to programming, it helps the time pass a lot quicker, and instead of thinking of home and feeling depressed I just think about different ideas for my game and how I want things to look and act.

and thanks for the info, I’ll take a closer look at the raycasts!

Well, amen to ya!

(and from what little I know about raycasts, my response above MIGHT work…no promises)