Ocean shader

Hi all,

I’ve been inspired by seeing the work coming from this thread and started playing around with an ocean shader. This shader is based on pro water and uses scrolling textures and some blending effects to simulate waves, crests and some fake anisotropic-like lighting.

It’s still in it’s early days. This version was an experiment to see what effects I could get with normal maps.

Have a look at the webplayer (330Kb). I’m interested in seeing what your graphics cards make of it. I’ve tested on an GF8800 an X700 and a RX1600.

I plan to explore displacement next as I’m not that happy with the wave depths I’ve managed to get so far.

Looks good on my Radeon X800.


I wanted to give you a digital high-five, but I couldn’t load the web player. D;

Web Player should be fixed now :slight_smile:

My, that does look nice. :slight_smile:

/me gives digital high-five!

that looks really great!

Alot of people have been needing an ocean shader ( myself included ) so awesome stuff.

Wow Proto! I have to say that looks really good! :slight_smile: GF8800 GT

Looking fantastic on my laptop’s nvidia quadro 1500m.

I look forward to a release. : ]

At least I hope you’re planning to release it. ;p