Oculus controller input not recognized using XR Interaction Toolkit

Hi, Anybody!

I am trying to get a simple button press to work using the XR Interaction Toolkit. Unfortunately, I’ve been building a game for 5+ months without testing buttons (I did not need them at the time). The rotation, position, velocity, and angular velocity of the controllers are recognized, but no other input features seem to be. Here are the screenshots for context. Note that for the “seconds later” image, I am pressing as many buttons as I can with all fingers on my left hand. Position and rotation vary, but input does not. I have verified that, after attaching models to the controllers of the XRRig, the do match position and rotation.


Seconds Later After Rotation:

I’m using a CV1 Version of the Oculus Rift.

Can anyone guide me in the right direction? Are Rift S and Quest the only Oculus supported platforms? Has anyone encountered something similar in their projects?

If anybody sees this, I panicked. The headset needs to be detected before any device inputs can be detected. For some reason, other metrics for controllers can be detected. Not button or axis values, though.

Yeah. that gets us from time to time too…


I am having the same exact issue with my Oculus Rift (controller and Headset poses are tracked well, but the input from the touch controllers presses is not recognized) but I am having trouble finding the solution…

Would you mind elaborating on how did you solve it, please?
What do you mean by that the headset needs to be detected first?

Thank you.

  • edit with solution ----------------------------------------------------

For future Oculus Rift readers:

I found the cause. For testing purposes I was not wearing the headset, I just rest it on the desktop and check the interactions on the monitor. Eventhough the tracking works, It seems that the controllers don’t get recongized until you “wear” the headset (ie, the “proximity” sensor inside the headset gets activated).

So if you don’t get any input from your device, simply wear the headset once after starting the game or cover the proximity sensor with your hands (it is placed in the upper part of the frame at the center and next to the white LED). From that point the inputs will work :slight_smile:

hope it helps.