Oculus Go grey boxes on launch


I am using the free version of Unity 2019.1.4f1 to develop an app for the Oculus Go. At app startup a grey box appears and then disappears. It looks as if it is the 2D view of the camera. It stutters for a second or two and then fades away. The phenomena can be seen from the following video (grey box while the rest of the background is colored black):

Is this the default Unity splash screen or is it something else?

Thank you!


Can you provide a screenshot of the player settings splash screen options for you project?

I disabled the splash screen using the paid version and this made things much better, however if I enable the splash, the problem persists. If the splash is enabled then these are the settings I use:

Very odd, my main concern was that it was a custom splash image rendering weirdly, my assumption is the ‘Dark on light’ option may have an effect on this but the behaviour isn’t desired. Does it look correct if you click ‘Preview’ in the editor?

Yes it does. I feel as if this is because of the lag or load time of the scene. Basically the same thing happens if the game is already running and there is a performance spike. If you turn your head fast enough, you can see the 2D planes (the last rendered image) just like in the video above. Behind or around the 2D plane is just a dark background, like in the video above. I wonder how other apps are doing this because I haven’t noticed the same behavior anywhere else.

It seems that the grey box appears whenever the app is frozen due to loading stuff. So the Unity app will froze but the Go seems to be capable of rendering the native stuff outside of the Unity window. So when it is frozen the box that I see is the Unity application windows in 2D. And the other areas is just a default background.

However, I haven’t noticed this happening on other apps even if they are frozen. Is there some kind of a setting to switch so it would always render the Unity app on top of everything.

Under Player Settings → Resolution and Presentation I did find couple of interesting settings that I am going to try out. These are “Render outside safe area” and “Render Over Native UI”.

Any other ideas?
