Oculus Integration (Meta SDK): Prevent walking/peaking through walls

Using Oculus Integration (or the new Meta SDK), how can I prevent my player from walking or peaking through walls by manually moving themselves through the wall? I have tried adding a box collider to the CenterEyeAnchor (camera) but that doesn’t help.

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This is my problem too, I hope someone could help.

I hope this thread gets attention, because I would also love to solve this problem.

The current state of the Meta SDK makes things like rotating around your player’s position and accounting for physical player position within their boundary really difficult problems to properly solve.

If your walls have a bit of thickness to them you could always fade the player’s vision out to a completely dark view as their camera collides with the wall. In that state you could then “push” them outwards by offsetting the position of their xr rig if they keep trying to go deeper into the wall or something to that effect.

Trying to limit the player’s head movement using actual colliders is likely going to be a rather nauseating experience so you’d be better off going for other approaches :slight_smile: