I made a Unity project with the oculus integration package.
When I run the application everything runs smoothly. Sometimes when I put on the VR headset everything begins to shake and I get these warnings:
[OVRPlugin] xrReleaseSwapchainImage() failed: XR_ERROR_VALIDATION_FAILURE (arvr\projects\integrations\ovrplugin\src\util\compositoropenxr.cpp:8081)
UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning (object)
OVRManager:OVRPluginLogCallback (OVRPlugin/LogLevel,intptr,int) (at Assets/Oculus/VR/Scripts/OVRManager.cs:1901)
I cant seem to get rid of this issue. I have been updating everything in the package manager. Changing things in the project and project settings. I tried making a completely new project but that doesnt help either. for me the issue is that I cant find any info about the warning and why it makes the VR camara shake.