So I’ve been seeing this issue in my Oculus Quest app where, upon returning to the main menu from a level, the screen freezes and the image follows your face around - I’m not sure if there’s a name for this but I feel there should be, since I’ve seen it happen many times and I’m sure others have too. At first I thought it was because the OVRManager component of my OVRCameraRig was getting destroyed/disappearing, but I made sure it didn’t disappear and it’s still happening. Then, I thought it was because the OVRManager was getting disabled, so I made sure it’s always enabled and the same thing happens. I do know that the object that is the parent of the OVRCameraRig, which we have called the Overlord, has clones that are created and then instantly destroyed - it seemed like this may be causing the issue but I’m not sure. Has anyone seen this behavior before, and does anyone know what causes it? I’m using Unity version 2019.3.15f1, Oculus Utilities version 1.51.0, OVRPlugin version 1.51.0, SDK version 1.51.0. Thanks!
This can be caused by running out of memory, at which point the app will be desperately spewing errors to the console. Use adb logcat on the command line to check.
Thanks so much for your response! I have been looking around online and using adb logcat but am having trouble pinpointing the issue. Can you maybe give some more details as to what errors to look for in logcat? Is it Unity that might be running out of memory? Is it the Quest? I’ll post some of my logs here so you can see.
Thanks again!
Hmm, nope, I don’t see the gl memory errors I saw causing this symptom recently. Perhaps in your case it’s something else.
That’s good that it’s not the memory. I have a feeling still that it might be because the OVRManager seems to be getting disabled each frame - I put a Debug.Log in the Update of Overlord, checking to see if the OVRManager is enabled each frame right before setting it to enabled for testing. And even though it appears to be enabled in the Inspector, the debug log comes back with false each frame once I return to the main menu. In any case, I’ll keep hacking away at this - if you happen to come up with any ideas please feel free to let me know, and thanks again for your help!
Apparently that’s not it lol, I just made it so it doesn’t get disabled and the same behavior happens.
Have you found a solution for your problem yet?
Hey @Alex_the_Coder could you file a bug report using your project? Without more info this will be really hard for anyone to determine the root cause of your/this issue. Perhaps also add some logging for you camera rig’s data so that you can track what is happening to it at the time of the freeze/tracking loss.
For me the problem was a sound plugin from the asset store that loads in a lot of audioClips at certain times. This lead to freezes probably due to memory / CPU usage limitations. After implementing my own solution everything worked smoothly.