Oculus Quest Sobel effect with a RenderFeature not showing on build.

Hello there. I am trying to get a sobel effect (or outline/sketch effect) to work on a Oculus Quest build. It is working in the editor, and also with Oculus Link (emulates Oculus Rift). I am working in Single Pass.

Here is the effect I want to achieve. However after a build on my quest, all the objects that should have the sobel effect are just black.

I am using a BlitPass custom RenderFeature like this to get this result:


And I’ve attached the shader I’m using, I adapted a shader from ShaderToy to get the effect I was looking for.

I guess it is some kind of limitation from the mobile GPU of the quest, but I’m not sure what and can’t find a lot of documentation about this. I’m not using anything too fancy in my shader also, no depth or anything like that.

6089112–661179–SobelFilter.shader (3.42 KB)

Update: Moved the assets for the effect to another clean project and it worked, probably something was wrong with my setup in that project (test project so a bunch of junk in there)