Oculus Rift Unity 4 Free integration. No license?

Hello! So I tried to download and install the free Oculus Unity 4 Integration thought when I used the OVRPlayerController in a new project I made and hit play, the console told me “This plugins is only supported in Unity Pro” I thought this sounded really weird since it clearly says on the websites that it is for Unity 4 Free as well. I have checked to download the right one and downloaded it again just to be sure though no luck. Any suggestions on what might cause the problem? My Unity version is 4.5.4

I think you need Unity 4.6, check the Blog information about that.

The Unity Free integration for Oculus gives you access to the exact same Oculus features as users of Unity Pro. You can use Unity 4.6 and the Oculus integration package to deploy any sort of VR content imaginable to the Rift!