Oculus will only enter play mode once


I am trying to play test an Oculus game through the Editor. Unity will only enter play mode once through the Oculus Link Dash. I have to restart Unity to get it to work again, every time after it playing that first time. It will play in Unity at that point, but not Oculus. I am using a secondary account on my Oculus. Oculus Link app on the computer is logged into that account. However, I can not sync the Oculus to the Oculus phone app. I can log in with the second account, just not connect my Oculus. The latter issue is a known issue, so I’m wondering if that is why this is so buggy.

All apps and firmwares are up to date. Also as a side note, Dash will get this “Fatal Error: Push any button to restart Dash” so I wonder if that is contributing to this issue. Other people in my office get the same fatal error. I’m using Quest 2.

Is anyone else having this play mode issue?

I am also facing same issue. After every run I have to restart unity to run it again.
Windows, Oculus App, Cable, USB Drivers everything is up to date.


I know this is an old thread, but it’s the first result on Google so I thought I’d add what worked for me. I had OVRPlugin set to use Open XR. After changing it to use the package manager-provided OVR it was fixed.