Odd error: New version of Unity required

I have the trial version of Unity installed (v2.1.0f5 - 16146) and have been going through the tutorials.

When I attempt to load any of the example projects in Unity though, I get this error:

“New version of Unity required. Your project was created with a newer version of Unity. You should upgrade to the latest version of Unity. You risk data loss if you continue!”

This happens for these examples which I pulled directly from the Unity website:
Tunnel Runner

Of course, I understand why this error might happen for the iPhone examples as I don’t have the iPhone extension yet (waiting for access from the sales team

Any recommendations on why this is happening to even the base Unity examples?


All of the examples you listed are for Unity iPhone. Use Unity for iPhone to open them (at the moment Unity and Unity iPhone are separate applications).

Thanks. I thought a couple of those examples were for the base Unity package - not just iPhone.

Just submitted my request to the sales team for access to the iPhone extension.


All but the project in that package actually are regular unity examples :slight_smile: