I’m having a strange issue with Mixamo Fuse characters and several different 3rd person controllers. Using the stock 3rd person controller that comes with Unity, the controller that comes with Explosive’s RPG Animation preview, and the controller offered by Vinicius Marques, my characters spasm and jerk about randomly while animating. It doesn’t seem to throw off the animations or the controllers in any way, but once or twice a second the twitches and jerks, almost like TV static or something.
Here’s a video of what I’m talking about:
It would actually be kind of a cool effect if I was setting up something like the girl from The Ring and wanted her flicker about like that, but it is a bit frustrating for normal characters.
Setting the update mode on the character to Animate Physics fixed this issue on the stock Unity controller, but not the other two. I’m quite new to all this, so I’m sure there’s something simple I’m not setting up correctly. Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening?
I agree - that is kind of a cool effect - if it was created on purpose.
Could be related to issues found in this thread.
Although without more information - I’m only guessing.
Main question here though - does this happen with other animations (not mixamo)? - or alternately does this happen with other characters - using the same controller and same animations?
Thank you for the response
I’ll try to provide as much information as I am able given my level of understanding.
This happens with all the Mixamo Fuse characters I’ve tested and it happens regardless of where the animations came from. So, for example, when I added a Mixamo animation to the stock 3rd person controller and added the ability to play it when you press 1 to the Third Person Character script, the character still twitched while playing that animation.
This does not occur with the characters that come with the 3 controller prefabs I’ve mentioned.
Also, if I just create an animator and stick it on the character without any control script so they’re just looping an animation, there’s no twitching, regardless of if the animation in question is from Mixamo or elsewhere.
Just a suggestion try watch your animator in mechanin to see if its switching between a different animation. it might be that the animator controller has some bad transition that isn’t being controlled . Hope this helps